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Monday, 22 October 2012


Dear friends today we are going to learn how to increase the speed of our internet connection . Microsoft reserves 20% of our available bandwidth for their own purposes like windows update . we can get it back

Start à Run àgpedit.msc à Local Computer Policy à Computer configuration àAdministrative Templates à Network à Qos packet Scheduler à Limit Reservable Bandwidth , Double click on Limit Reversable bandwidth and select Enabled Option and set Bandwidth limit as 0 , Then Apply à Ok

After performing the above steps , check your internet speed 


Dear  friends in this session we are discussing the points that helps  us to prevent  the attack of computer viruses . The following steps help you to protect your computer system by preventing computer viruses

·        Install a reliable and powerfull Antivirus software , this will help us to prevent the attack of viruses

·        Never open Email attachments without scanning them first , because email attachments are the most common way the virus are spread through internet

·        Update your Antivirus at proper times

·        Try to stay away from cracked softwares  because virus can also spread through cracked softwares

·        Install a firewall , a firewall is a security mechanism that help us to prevent  unauthorized access

·        Be aware that most current viruses  arrive as email attachments . Be very suspicious of any attachment that have any of the following extensions
·        .exe   .vbe   .scr   .vbs   .bat   .shs   .cpl   .dll   .ocx   .pit   .drv   .lnk   .bin    .sys   .eml   .nws


Antivirus software are programs which can detect , prevent and clean up computer viruses which may attempt to infect your computer system. It will scan downloaded files as well as your entire computer system in order to detect  the presence of an infection. Or in other words we can say An Antivirus is a protective software designed to defend your computer system against malicious software or malware  include viruses , Trojans, hijackers etc.The Antivirus software provide real time protection , which means antivirus program protect your computer system from incoming threats. The most antivirus programs have the ability to alert you when a program is trying to access your computer. If an antivirus software find an infected file that cannot be deleted , it can quarantine the file so that it cannot infect other files or programs on your computer  systems. 


Artificial Intelligence is the branch of computer science which deals with the study of man made computational devices and systems which can be made to act in a manner which we would be inclined to call intelligent. Alan Turing is Known as the father of Artificial Intelligence . Artificial Intelligence generally involves borrowing characteristics  from human intelligence , and applying them as algorithms in a computer  friendly way . A more or less flexible or efficient  approach can be taken depending on the requirements established, which influence how artificial  the intelligent behaviour appears . Artificial Intelligence can be also defined as the science of making computers  do thing that require intelligence when done by humans. Artificial Intelligence can be also defined as the branch of computer science which deals with the simulation of intelligent behaviour  in computers


Dear  friends in this session we are discussing the points that helps  us to identify  the presence  of computer viruses  in our computer system . The following steps help you to identify the presence of  computer viruses

·         The computer is slow and takes longer times to load because the computer resources are being used by computer viruses
·         Abnormal write protect errors on certain files which prevent you from deleting or modifying it
·         Antivirus software is blocked and not run at all
·         Strange error message prompt out from time to time
·         Home of the browser changed , When home page of your favorite browser is changed for no reason , it’s a symptom of virus attack
·         Unexpected hard drive activity
·         Unexpected cpu usage  ( in task manager )
·         Unknown files in the task list ( in task manager)