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Friday, 20 January 2012



Computer is a data processing machine which can store , process and retrieve data when ever desired . OR simply we can say ...... C : commonly  O: operating  M: machine    P: particularly    U: used for    T: technical   E: education and   R: research
father of computer : CHARLES BABBAGE  
Charles Babbage , a British mathematics professor is regarded as the father of computer. Charles babbage invented a counting machine called the  difference engine . in those days it took a lot of people to count things , taxes,bankers,areas of finance and markets,all about counting large amounts
father of personal computer : HENRY EDWARD ROBERTS
Henry Edwards Roberts was an American engineer who invented the first commercially successfull personal computer in 1975 . he is most often known as father of personal computer

first computer : ENIAC 
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer was the first general purpose electronic computer. ENIAC was  announced in 1946.  ENIAC was designed and built under the supervision of John Mauchly and J Presper Eckert. 


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